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How to Protect Your Roof & Show It Some Love This Season
Your roof is an extremely valuable part of your home and deserves your attention, even if it takes extra effort. You can do several easy things when it comes to giving your roof the love it needs.
Give Your Roof Scheduled Visual Inspections
About once a month, take the time to hop up on a ladder and get some eyes up on your roof. Scan all the shingles for damage, ensure the flashing is in good shape, and be on the lookout for rodent and pest damage (this would look like shredded or rotted spots). You can either do this on a predetermined weekend, or any time you notice it’s been windier than usual.
Clear Out Any Debris
While you’re inspecting the roof’s overall condition, clear out any branches, moss, or leaves that have accumulated. Invest in a roof rake to make quick work of this task, or haul up a garden hose to get the job done.
Keep Tree Limbs Trimmed
If you live in a neighborhood with plenty of trees, ensure you keep the area directly above your roof cleared of any branches. This could mean calling a tree trimming service twice a year if needed, but it is well worth the bill to maintain your roof’s longevity.
Take A Look At Your Attic
Check out the attic for any water streaks and stains to ensure that your roof hasn’t spontaneously sprung a leak. This is especially important for areas that receive a lot of precipitation. If you live in a colder region, it’s also worth it to get your attic properly insulated to prevent air leaks and ice dams from forming on your roof.
Call Up A Contractor For A Professional Inspection
If you need to confirm that your roof assessment is sound, feel free to go the extra mile and schedule a professional inspection. You’ll reap the benefits of getting a diagnosis, potential concerns can be addressed, and you can make a maintenance plan that will protect your roof for years to come.
Contact Ascent Roofing for a free estimate! We are happy to help you develop a maintenance plan that works best for you. We offer quality workmanship, excellent customer service, and competitive pricing—guaranteed. As a family-owned and operated San Diego roofing company, we’re ready to work for you!
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